Spring Summer Programs Summer Camp Untitled Header Image Easter Eggstravaganza

Benefits of Water Fitness

  • Water has 12 times the resistance of air - build strength by moving water.
  • Reduce impact on joints by up to 90%
  • No swimming skills required
  • Improve mood and decrease anxiety
  • Burn calories in a comfortable environment

Participants must be ages 13+ unless otherwise noted

Check our current schedule for class times and days

Intermediate Water Aerobics

Low intensity exercise for new exercisers, active older adults and anyone looking to strengthen and stretch in the pool.

Low Impact Water Aerobics

For people of all ages and abilities. The first 15 minutes is walking on your own in the lazy river, followed by 30 minutes of group exercise including range of motion, stretching, strengthening and aerobic exercises.

Early Rizers

In this class you are sure to wake up during our intermediate water excercise class. A wide variety of moves and equipment may be used in this class. This class is self-led some of the mornings with the exception of Tues./Thurs. Come join us.

Deep Water Fitness

Get a great aerobic workout while exercising to your favorite dance tunes!! This is a HIGH ENERGY class designed to work your entire body, that will leave you energized!

Deep Water Aqua Jog

Use the water’s natural resistance to increase cardiovascular endurance, and strengthen and tone major muscle groups. A workout for those comfortable in deep water. Float belts provided.

Deep Water High Intensity Water Fitness

A high energy, high intensity, no impact workout targeting all the major muscles. This class begins with a brief warm-up, moves right into strength training then 20-30 minutes of cardio/interval training and finishes off with a relaxing comprehensive cooldown.

Shallow Water Aqua Fit

Be prepared to be challenged while you use the resistance of the water, cardio exercises and various pieces of pool equipment to improve your flexibility, balance, range of motion, core strength, muscle tone and cardiovascular endurance.

Paddle Board Balance & Flow

You will practice a wide range of positions while on your paddle board on the water. Much is focused on the mind and state of being and practicing the various positions will contribute greatly to your balance and stability.

*Registration Required

Propulsion Walking 

Water walking offers benefits over a typical stroll on land. The water provides resistance, making your muscles work harder to move forward. At the same time, it provides buoyancy, helping reduce strain to your joints.